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Ari Herstand

What I Learned From My $12 Cup Of Coffee

Last night I went to a spot in Koreatown known for their coffee. I learned this after I went in. Actually, I was just walking around the neighborhood looking for a cafe and found this spot because they had a sign out front with a photo of a sexy looking coffee cocktail.My brother...

How To Submit To Pandora (Without a CD)

Pandora Radio just quietly updated their submission process to allow anyone to submit music for consideration WITHOUT a physical CD.Finally.For as long as I can remember, the submission process for independent music has been an incredible headache. In the past, you had to submit...

Why I Hate Downloading Music

I'm sitting in on trumpet with another band at a gig tomorrow. The bassist (and head 'chart maker') just sent the horn section a Dropbox link to the charts and mp3s as a refresher to listen to before the gig.I clicked the mp3 link hoping it would open a player and I could just pl...

Don’t Be Late. Ever.

If LA has taught me anything, it's the importance of networking. I go on lunch and coffee dates (and set even more potential 'let's grab lunch sometime' dates) like I'm starving and undergoing life threatening caffeine withdrawal.The thing is, sometimes my dates are late. And I'v...

How To Act Completely Unprofessionally

Many of you have been following the MondoTunes drama on Twitter (here), (here) and (here). I reviewed them (and 6 other digital distribution services). Before I posted my full report, the founder, Steve Norris sent me a looooong email trashing the other services. I ignored it and...

8 Ways To Get The Best Deal For The Gig

We're nearing the holidays and musicians have been asking me what rates they should pitch to buyers who request their services. Be it a corporate holiday party, rotunda in the mall or a corner in a restaurant. This is an entire business in it of itself. I have friends, well, one...

How To Make A Killer Promo Video

They say a picture tells a thousand words. Well, a video tells a million. You need that video that shows who you are. What you do best. Shows a bit of your personality. And sells you. Anyone who watches this video will think, 'yeah these guys got it.' This video you can pass alon...

Carry Your Instrument On The Plane – It’s The LAW

I fly a lot with my guitar. It's a $2,000 Taylor. Over the years, airlines (namely US Airways and United) have told me that my guitar MUST be checked. This usually happens at the gate. However, at LAX they have their own guards checking you BEFORE you even get to security. A few...

10 Steps To Sell Out Your Show

There's no point in playing a show if no one shows up. Just listing a show on your Facebook Page will not bring people. Bands sometimes think that all they need to do is go on tour and get their shows listed on the venue's website and people will magically show up because they ar...

Your Gear Will Get Stolen

Years ago I got back late after a local gig and was exhausted. I carried in my guitar and cash box, but left some of my other gear in my car - including my $2,000 trumpet (no judging - I was young, stupid and TIRED). The next morning, as you would imagine, I awoke to a smashed ba...

About Me

Ari Herstand is a Los Angeles based musician, the founder and CEO of Ari’s Take and the author of How to Make It in the New Music Business.

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A New Kind of Record Label

This week, Ari is joined by Ankit Desai, CEO of SNAFU Records, and Mira Howard, head of SNAFU's Song Fund.