How to Create an EPK (with Examples)
Some people call this a “one sheet” because all of the necessary information is on, well, one sheet. An EPK can be formatted a few different ways. These days, most people are either making it as a single (hidden)...
Songtradr Review: Everything You Need to Know
If you are reading this, you probably already know about "sync licensing." If you don't, then head over to this amazing podcast with Vo Williams: "Hip Hop Artist with over 1,000 TV, Film and Video Game placements." Listening to the podcast...
What Robert Mueller’s Press Conference Teaches Us About Your Album Release
I try to listen to The Daily podcast by the New York Times every day. Mostly I’ll put it on at the gym or in the car. I’m all about multi-tasking. Who has time to do just one, singular thing anymore?! The Daily is a really good, in-depth look at the top stories of the day. Of...
How To Get All Your Music Royalties: ASCAP, BMI, PRS, SoundExchange, PROs and the Rest
Music royalties and a deep dive into how to get your rightful share. Artists, songwriters, composers - this is everything you need to know about money in music.
This Is What You Get When You Fake Social Media Numbers
The headlines this past week read something like: LA Band Faked Social Media Numbers to Book a European Tour That No One Attended. Nearly every music outlet in existence has written about this incredibly peculiar saga. MetalSucks, in particular, has devoted wall to wall coverage...
How To Write an Effective Band Bio
Your bio is your story. It should reveal why people should care about you. What sets you apart? Why are you unique? And if you have a new album, what is the album’s story? +Why No One Cares About Your MusicMake sure you have three bios: a long one, a short one (1 or 2 paragraph...
9 Essential Things Every Musician Must Have In 2016
I'm a 'curator' on Fluence. That means, if you want to pay me to listen and review your music (with the possibility of sharing it), you can pay me to do it. 80% of the submissions I get are not very good, 15% are good, but not great and then occasionally I receive something so st...
What Musicians Can Learn From The Olympics
I don't own a television. 10 years ago that would have seemed ludicrous. But now, in a Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go world, it's quickly becoming the norm. At least for those under 30. So, needless to say, I haven't watched much of the Olympics this year. I was on a Southwest flight the...
Don’t Try Out For A Singing Show…
...unless you know how to leverage it. I got a few questions this past week about my take on singing contest shows (from Request a Topic form below). I touched on it in You Should Try Out For American Idol, but I'm going to go a bit deeper.+You Should Try Out For American IdolLet...
The One Thing Musicians Should Never Admit
Musicians who know musicians know that most of them are always broke. Like Ramen broke. PB&J broke. Rice and beans BROKE.You know who doesn't know that musicians are broke? Non-musicians. And let's keep it that way.+Who Is Ari?Music lovers (your fans) don't want to hear how you a...

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Transviolet on Surprise China Fame, Softcore Millennial Cringe and Touring in an RV
This week, Ari is joined by Sarah McTaggart from the band Transviolet to talk about how they’ve gained traction after leaving a major label.