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Musicians Are Being Held Hostage By Record Labels in California – The Fair Act

Did you know that there is a law on the books in California that states a company cannot bind someone to a personal services agreement for longer than 7 calendar years - unless they are a RECORDING ARTIST?! That’s right, in 1987 the slimy, slippery, soulless major record labels successfully lobbied the California legislature to add an amendment to exempt recording artists from this law meant to protect people from long-term, predatory contracts. But finally, California might have a chance to right these historic wrongs with the new Bill AB-2926 (Kalra) that has been introduced.

Los Angeles Artists Can Get $1,500 “Emergency Relief” Grant

If you're an artist in Los Angeles, stop what you're doing and jump on this. Today, the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs Public Art Division (DCA) and the City Council, led by Councilman David Ryu of Council District 4,...

Finally, The California Music Industry Gets Relief Under AB5

Well ladies and gentlemen, seven months after Governor Newsom signed into law the “gig worker” bill AB5, which sent the California music industry into a complete panic, we finally have some relief. Today, the music industry, along with Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez and Assemb...

I Met With Senate Majority Leader of CA About AB5. Here’s How It Went

I just left Senate Majority Leader of California, Robert Hertzberg’s office in Van Nuys. We were awarded this meeting based on the petition (started by Alicia Spillias and Adrianne Duncan) which now has over 30,000 signatures. SIGN IT!! If you've been out of the loop about the...

I Met With AB5 Author Assemblywoman Gonzalez. Here’s How It Went

Yesterday morning 5 musicians and I piled into my car at 7am (!!) and we made the excursion down to San Diego to Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez’s office to discuss the effects of California’s new law AB5 on the music community. If you’ve been living under a rock the past cou...

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How Independent Music Publishing Works (Or Doesn’t)

This week, Ari is joined by Marc Caruso, CEO and co-founder of Angry Mob Music, to discuss the evolving landscape of music publishing.
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Ari Herstand with the guide, 26 Things to do when you Release a Song or Album

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