Skip The Party Tonight, Become a Rockstar Tomorrow
Darren Campbell wrote in (via the Request a Topic below) and asked I write on this... so here it is!'The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now' - Zig ZiglarSome people claim that college is about the party. College isn't...
You Should Try Out for American Idol (The Relatives)
Holidays are especially stressful for musicians. This is the time that uncle Joe always asks with a condescending smirk 'so how's the music thing going?' Aunt Jane then chimes in 'you should try out for American Idol! You'd be great.' This is either the point where you smile, nod...
9 Things Every Musician Needs To Know About The Sound Guy
As much time as you spend in your rehearsal space perfecting your sound, it won't mean anything if it's botched coming out of the PA. All the money you spent on new pedals, amps, guitars and strings doesn't matter if the mix is off in the club.The sound guy (or gal) is the most i...
Why No One Cares About Your Music
The hardest thing for musicians to hear and the reason so many are held back for so long lies in a simple, nauseating realization: your music doesn't matter.Of course I think the music matters. All musicians are passionately, desperately and hopelessly in love with music. It's wh...
Technical Difficulties ARE Your Fault
Anyone who has seen my solo live show knows that I have a lot going on on stage. I run multiple instruments and microphones through a mixer into my loop station and out to the house. I have quite a bit of gear setup on stage for a solo artist. I've played over 500 shows and just...
How To Be A Great Opening Act
Being the opener for a more established act can be one of the best ways to make new fans. I can pinpoint specific opening gigs where I gained a large amount of fans who are still incredibly supportive to this day. I love opening slots for more established acts because I get to wi...
I Think You’re An Asshole, So I’m Going To Tell You, Asshole
One of my friends, let's call him Tom, is in a fairly successful band (especially in his local city). Tom couldn't get the radio DJ of the local show to reply to his emails or play his band on the radio show and Tom felt he deserved to get played. After about 5 emails, instead of...
Can I Open For You? Maybe. But Probably Not
When I was first getting started in Minneapolis I took note of other local bands who were somewhat successful locally. I was not yet. I sent these bands emails to the extent of 'Saw your show last night. Love your sound. If you ever need an opener hit me up.' As you may expect I...
I’m A Tool and I Have Accepted That
The music industry is one of the harshest, most demanding, unsupportive, emotionally exhaustive and flat out difficult fields you could enter. But the payoff is... well you know.You have to have thick skin to survive in this industry. People say this pretty much for any creative...
How I Got To Play The World’s Largest Music Festival
The idea that you will work at a coffee shop until your band gets their big break and then you're a rock star is laughably false. I wouldn't even mention this if so many young musicians didn't believe this. I know I did.The days of the 'big break' are over. A music career is now...
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Why This Sound Engineer Lost The Tour
Whenever I'm out at a local show I always pay attention to who's mixing.
Good FOH sound engineers are hard...