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Snoop Dogg

Hip Hop for Kids? Snoop Dogg’s TV show and Origin of the Viral Hit “Go Go Go, Who’s Next”

Ari is joined by producer and creator of hit kids show “Doggyland,” Claude Brooks, to discuss his journey of building a successful show and the importance of perseverance and consistency. They also touch on how his journey on he collaborated with Snoop Dogg, as well as the impact of social media platforms in promoting his work.
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Latest News

From Backyards to Coachella, How The Red Pears Built it The Old Fashioned Way

This week, Ari is joined by Henry Vargas and Jose Corona of the band “The Red Pears,” an indie band who has seen recent success particularly in the live performance scene, coming hot off the heels of their Coachella performance.
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