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How Independent Music Publishing Works (Or Doesn’t)

This week, Ari is joined by Marc Caruso, CEO and co-founder of Angry Mob Music, to discuss the evolving landscape of music publishing.

20,500 Artists Made $50K+ From Spotify Last Year

Spotify just revealed its annual Loud and Clear report revealing some top level numbers with some granular insights from 2023.

Why Spotify’s New Payment Model Falls Short For Emerging Artists

This week, Ari discusses his recent Variety article entitled “Why Spotify’s New Payment Model Falls Short For Emerging Artists.”

If UMG Gets Its Way, Smaller Indie Artists Won’t Get Paid As Much From Streaming

Last week, UMG and Deezer made an announcement that is set to be the biggest upheaval to the recorded music industry payment structure since the launch of streaming.

Spotify’s New “Active Audience” Ain’t It, But We’re Getting Closer

Spotify just rolled this out to help you better understand how active your listeners are. But why does it matter and how does it help?

Few Points About BMI Music Royalties for Songwriters and Publishers

If you’re a songwriter or publisher with BMI, or you’re thinking of joining BMI, this post is for you. Just for clarity, BMI is actually not a publisher. It simply collects royalties for publishers and songwriters.
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Why This Sound Engineer Lost The Tour

Whenever I'm out at a local show I always pay attention to who's mixing.  Good FOH sound engineers are hard...
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